
Refund / Return Policy

If there is a problem with your order, please be sure to contact us immediately!

All returned products must be in its original packaging. We do not reimburse shipping or return fees. However, we will provide a return label (at no cost to you) via email for any orders that were fulfilled incorrectly.


Once your items are delivered, you have 5 days from the date of delivery to ship them back to us for a full refund. Returns shipped after the first 5 days will be eligible for store credit (store credits never expire). After 5 days, all sales are FINAL and returns will not be accepted.


All returns must include a tracking number or return where you collected it. Please provide us with the order number for your return (admin@baumsystems.shop). Failure to do so may delay the processing of your return/credit.


At this time, we do not accept exchanges.

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